复活赛环节(“三进”专题口译)备赛材料 为更好传承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化,理解和传播当代中国新时代精神,提升上海市大学生的英语语言能力以及国际传播能力,在上海市教育委员会和上海市外…
Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do things you have to do, when they ought to be done, whether you like it or not. ——Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895)
Beyond the comparative thinking it brings, the passage also reinstates some of the major historical moments and key concepts in our history. From the Warring States to Silk Road in the Tang Dynasty, China has witnessed peaks of civilization and been a vital force in shaping them; from Heaven’s mandate to state Confucianism, China’s ideology and philosophy have evolved in mutual influence and formed distinct Chinese features; from the printing culture in Northern Song to the imperial civil examination system starting from the Sui Dynasty, China has developed then leading technology and institution in breeding a culture of intelligentsia.
跨文化大学英语教学设计-大学跨文化英语综合教程第2册第8单元 赵一鸣
赵一鸣 上海外国语大学贤达经济人文学院讲师,研究领域为跨文化教学与培训。多次荣获全国大学英语教学能力大赛奖项,“外教社杯”高校学生跨文化能力大赛优秀指导教师。
大学跨文化英语教学案例展示 沈兴涛
【视频集锦】“语料库与大学英语虚拟教研室建设” 主讲人:张艳玲 教授
【视频集锦】“语料库与大学英语虚拟教研室建设” 主讲人:张艳玲 教授
【视频集锦】“语料库与大学英语虚拟教研室建设” 主讲人:吴勇 副教授
【视频集锦】“语料库与大学英语虚拟教研室建设” 主讲人:吴勇 副教授