跨文化能力是外语教育的重要目标之一,外语教育的跨文化教学潜力和价值已经得到普遍认可,但是由于缺乏切实可行的理论指导和教学参考标准,跨文化教学效果并不理想。本文从分析我国学生跨文化能力发展的现实需求出发,提出包含四个视角、三个层面、两个语境和一个平台的跨文化能力发展“四三二一”理论框架,基于此建构了中国学生跨文化能力发展一体化模型,并运用教学实验法初步验证了模型应用于课堂教学设计的适切性和有效性。Intercultural competence is one of the fundamental goals in foreign language education,and the significant role of intercultural competence development in foreign language education has been generally recognized.However,due to lack of feasible theoretical support and pedagogical guidelines,intercultural teaching often fails to achieve desirable effects.Starting from a needs analysis of intercultural competence development for Chinese students,this paper puts forward a“4-3-2-1”theoretical framework including four perspectives,three dimensions,two contexts and one platform.With the framework as the theoretical support,the paper proposes an Integrated Model for Chinese Students’Intercultural Competence Development(IMCSICD),and through an IMCSICD teaching experiment in an English course,tentatively verifies its applicableness and effectiveness.